• Don't Send North Dakota Librarians to Jail
    We are all concerned with creating positive, safe, and welcoming environments for our children. But going after public libraries and schools means that this isn't about kids. It's about a small group of people controlling what all North Dakotas are able to read or see. Only 8% of voters in the US think that there are "many books that are inappropriate and should be banned". It is a small group of people pushing for these kinds of bills and book bans around the country. They talk about books about sex and sexuality, but award-winning authors like Margaret Atwood, F. Scott Fitzgerald, or even James Joyce could be caught in the crosshairs of ‘obscenity’ challenges too. Even Winnie the Pooh was called into question for not wearing pants. Our local library and school boards are accountable to the communities they serve, and those are the right venues to address book challenges, not a top-down obscenity law from the legislature. We can’t let a bill like HB1205 expose every school, library,and the public servants who work in them, to criminal prosecution to satisfy a few crusaders. It's not a reasonable thing to make criminals out of our librarians and educators. Please join the citizens of North Dakota in opposing HB1205 now. The bill is being heard in the House Judiciary Committee. Please take a moment and tell your Representative in the North Dakota House to help stop this bill before it goes any further. Use the form on this page to send your message today.
    1,045 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Aimee Geurts Picture
  • Glen Ridge United Against Book Bans
    Members of the “Citizens Defending Education” group in Glen Ridge are attempting to ban the following six books from the Glen Ridge Public Library: 1. All Boys Aren't Blue - George M. Johnson 2. Here and Queer - Rowan Ellis 3. This Book is Gay - Juno Dawson 4. It's Not the Stork - Robie H. Harris 5. It's Perfectly Normal - Robie H. Harris 6. You Know, Sex - Cory Silverberg The Library Director has confirmed that each of the above books meets the Library Materials Selection Policy. These books all contain content related to the LGBTQ+ community and it is clear that the CDE group is targeting this group here in Glen Ridge. Please sign the petition and come to the February 8th, 2023 Library Board of Trustees Meeting to voice your opposition to this proposed ban. During this meeting, the CDE’s appeal of the Library Director's decision to reject the ban will be discussed and voted on. The meeting will be held in the auditorium of Ridgewood Avenue School at 7:30 PM.
    3,120 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Phil Johnson
  • Fight Censorship in Alpine School District
    In 2022, the Alpine School District in Utah pulled 52 books from their library shelves, and ultimately banned 22 books for “pornographic or indecent” material. A large percentage of the banned books were written by LGBTQ+ authors, or dealt with issues of sexuality, gender, and race. Censoring what students can read takes away their freedom of expression, and limits their ability to think for themselves. We need to let the school board know that we trust librarians and teachers to choose material that is appropriate for all students. Sign the petition to let the school board know that you oppose government censorship and support the freedom to read!
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mackenzie Nichols
  • Support Library Freedom in Rapides Parish Libraries
    You should sign this petition if you believe any of these statements could be true: That the true intent of this policy change is to marginalize the LGBTQ+ community. Books should be discussed on their merits. Broad categories of books should not be waived away as “obscene” without a critical look by our librarians. That our librarians are pretty good at their job. Library board members - public servants - have a duty to answer questions about their proposals, and should not flee public meetings. The proposed policy revision is vague and does not define specific words that would be critical to enforcing it. The proposed revisions contradict the rest of the library’s Collection Development Policy, which has been doing a good job serving the community for many years. It's our job to be the parents, and these restrictive policies take away our parental rights.
    1,336 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Remi Tallo Picture
  • Let Utah Read, Don't Ban Books in Utah
    Last year the Utah State legislature passed HB374 which has lead directly to books being banned in our school libraries. This hurts students and limits their ability to think for themselves, leaving them less self-reliant, and ill-prepared for success in an increasingly competitive global economy. Legislators are now suggesting that they need to pass MORE censorship laws - even ones that could lead to arresting librarians and teachers for their commitment to protecting constitutional freedoms and access to information for students. They think they are the best judge of how to parent and teach Utah kids -- and they want to take away your freedom to choose books for you and your family. We trust parents, librarians, and teachers to parent and teach, and think politicians should not be using the power of the state to restrict our freedoms and liberties just to appease loud extremists. We trust professional librarians and teachers to choose materials that support the education, development, and mental health of ALL students in accordance with state standards, local policy, and state and federal laws. Sign the petition and stand with Utahns who oppose book bans and support the freedom to read. (If you live outside of Utah, please sign this national petition: https://action.everylibrary.org/bookbans)
    624 of 1,000 Signatures
  • Sign the Petition to End Book Bans Today!
    Proposed censorship measures in several U.S. states will regulate the books that you're allowed to read in our nation's libraries. Some could also lead to jailing librarians as a result of their commitment to free speech and access to library materials. If they succeed, you will lose your freedom to choose books for you and your family. Help fight against book bans and government censorship.
    1,437 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by EveryLibrary Admin
  • Support the Resolution Against Book Bans
    Sign the petition to support the Banned Books Week resolution! The resolutions protects your freedom of speech and expression. Congress needs to know that this is a bi-partisan issue that touches on the rights and hopes of every American.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mackenzie Nichols
  • Save the Lynnfield High School Library Media Specialist job!
    Please join this campaign because: Having a school library and certified school librarian protects students' right to read and their First Amendment rights. Data from more than 34 statewide studies suggest that students tend to earn better standardized test scores in schools that have strong library programs. NEASC, the national accreditation body for public schools, does require that "All students receive library/information services that support their learning from adequate, certified/licensed personnel." In the 2020 Standards for Accreditation, this is a mandate, not a suggestion. Losing the library program puts Lynnfield and the school at risk of book challenges. Students and teachers will not have access to the large number of online databases only given to school libraries with a certified library media specialist. No school librarian means that the library collection will not get updated and curated, students will not have access to reliable, accurate information for supporting their learning. Having a school library is an equity issue. A lack of a school library and library media specialist will negatively impact student success and teacher collaboration. Students and teachers will be losing a tech integrator and the creator and teacher for the student help desk and the LHS Makerspace. In the study, School libraries and MCAS scores, the results show that there is a direct correlation between certified school library media specialists and MCAS scores.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janice Alpert
  • Worcester United Against Hatred
    Parents already have the right to limit their own children's reading selections. Creating a restricted section that is only accessible with a permission slip creates unnecessary steps. The books have already been vetted by library professionals. By opening book challenges to all residents, parent rights are diluted as anyone can choose to limit the books that are available in libraries.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brittany Hulme Tignor
  • Keep Politicians out of Louisiana libraries
    If the Government and Christian sects are allowed to censor or remove what we have access to a dangerous precedent will be set. 1. Our access to new ideas will be restricted 2. The Government will take the responsibility for a child's access to information from the parents where it belongs. 3. Where will the next ban be? We already have states that are trying to limit and restrict access to African American history and culture 4. A group or several groups in our country will be marginalized and isolated. 5. There will be a dangerous attack on the First Amendment's guarantee of protection from religious interference in our local government and on our right to freedom of speech. Please look at book burning and persecutions (Gays, Jews, Catholics, the Mentally or Physically challenged) that happened in Nazi Germany as a warning about what can happen to a society that does not fight against government overreach.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheila Cork