• Let Flucos Read
    The Fluvanna County School Board removed 16 books from library shelves after receiving a complaint from one person. We appreciate that two of these books have been put back on the shelves, and we call on the Board to keep ALL books on the shelf unless and until they have been properly and fully reviewed as required by policy and law. As the nonpartisan Vet Voice Foundation has stated in a March 18th letter to the School Board, in which they urged the Board to take a definitive stand against book bans, “As service members, we pledged our lives to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. This oath is sacrosanct, embodying our dedication to the liberties that have long set our nation apart, including the freedom of speech and the unfettered right to access information. When books are banned, and voices are silenced, it is not just an attack on these rights but a direct affront to the very essence of democracy and the freedoms for which we, as veterans, have served to protect.” Please sign this petition and stand with our veterans in calling on the School Board to protect the freedoms and liberties of ALL Fluvanna County residents and students and keep books on library shelves unless and until a full and transparent review process has been legitimately completed per law and policy.
    272 of 300 Signatures
  • Save the Lynnfield High School Library Media Specialist job!
    Please join this campaign because: Having a school library and certified school librarian protects students' right to read and their First Amendment rights. Data from more than 34 statewide studies suggest that students tend to earn better standardized test scores in schools that have strong library programs. NEASC, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges accreditation body for public schools, does require that "All students receive library/information services that support their learning from adequate, certified/licensed personnel." In the 2020 Standards for Accreditation, this is a mandate, not a suggestion. Students need to know how to find and evaluate information and recognize media bias to be prepared for college, career, and life. Losing the library program puts Lynnfield and the school at risk of book challenges. Students and teachers will not have access to the large number of online databases only given to school libraries with a certified library media specialist. No school librarian means that the library collection will not get updated and curated, students will not have access to reliable, accurate information for supporting their learning. Having a school library is an equity issue. A lack of a school library and library media specialist will negatively impact student success, teacher collaboration, and the mental health of students and faculty. Students and teachers will be losing a tech integrator and the creator and teacher for the student help desk and the LHS Makerspace. In the study, School libraries and MCAS scores, the results show that there is a direct correlation between certified school library media specialists and MCAS scores.
    771 of 800 Signatures
    Created by libraries matter
  • Stand Together Against Censorship in Washoe County
    Like most Americans, we strongly oppose book banning and organized attempts to purge books from library shelves. Recently, a small group has been trying to remove books from our public and school libraries. Read this article, from the Reno News and Review, to learn more: http://tinyurl.com/3z56ne4f We understand that the meaning and value of a work of literature is so much more than a few excerpts taken out of context. As a community, we want to raise strong, healthy kids. It’s important that growing minds learn as much as they can about the world -- the good, the bad, and the ugly -- so they’ll be well-prepared to navigate it and thrive. Books are tools for understanding complexity. Limiting young people's access to books does not protect them from the challenging issues we all encounter in our lives. Many of the books that have been challenged feature LGBTQIA+ characters, characters of color, and diversity-related themes. Everyone, especially young people, should see themselves reflected in library books. Furthermore, it's just as important to see others' experiences reflected in books, which - research shows time and again - helps develop empathy and compassion. We trust our teachers and librarians, who have training and education in literature and youth development, to curate collections for our community. Removing and banning books from public libraries is a slippery slope to government censorship and the erosion of our country's commitment to freedom of expression. Sign here to support the freedom to read in Washoe County.
    3,060 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Freedom to Read Nevada
  • STOP Book Bans at Autauga-Prattville Public Library!
    The board members have used ethically dubious means to implement Clean Up Alabama-approved library policies discriminate against minority groups, violate the Constitution, and are outright unAmerican.
    2,929 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Hayes
  • Protect our FWISD Libraries
    Fort Worth ISD students are culturally & economically diverse, they have different beliefs and sexual orientations. They deserve to see their lives reflected in the books available to them in our libraries. National groups and outside influencers should not be able to determine the availability of those books. ***You do not need to be a FWISD parent to sign this petition!
    1,223 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sabrina Ball
  • Support Prior Lake-Savage Students’ Right to Read
    PLSAS students have a constitutional right to access these books in their schools. Book challenges result in expensive and time-consuming review processes. Let our kids explore the world through books, let parents and guardians set boundaries for their *own* kids' reading, and let librarians continue their excellent work.
    243 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Prior Lake-Savage Students’ Right to Read
  • Oppose Censorship at Cape Girardeau Public Library
    A well-organized vocal group of people want to remove books that they have deemed inappropriate. The library has reviewed these books and have found them compliant with state and federal law. Nonetheless, the group has called the police on the library and purchased large billboard ads. In addition, they are threatening costly litigation, picketing of the library, petitioning the Missouri attorney general and pursuing additional criminal complaints as well as taking legal actions against library administrators and board members.
    606 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Blattel Picture
  • PETITION: Remove Libs of Tik Tok (Chaya Raichik) From Oklahoma Library Board
    Libs of TikTok has previously endorsed the removal of books featuring LGBTQ content from school and public libraries, and her online activity singled out specific librarians and educators and has led to several titles being removed from bookshelves in various school districts across the country. In August, multiple Oklahoma schools were targeted with repeated bomb threats after Superintendent Walters shared a post from Libs of TikTok targeting a librarian in the Union Public Schools district. Now, Walters will allow Raichik, who has potentially put Oklahoma students at risk through her content, to influence school policies in your children's school.
    5,537 of 6,000 Signatures
  • Keep ImagineIF Collections Open to Everyone
    Please add your name to this petition to the ImagineIF Library Board of Trustees, asking that they reject this unnecessary, unwise, and harmful collection policy.
    318 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Peter Bromberg Picture
  • Let Davis School District Students Read!
    Davis School District’s current library materials review policy has resulted in dozens of books being removed from school library and classroom shelves. Many of these books are award-winning and well-reviewed literary works. As a result, the policy denies students access to a variety of ideas and perspectives that are an important part of a comprehensive education. It has also resulted in expensive and time-consuming reviews of books challenged under the policy Sign today to let the Davis School District Board of Education know they should revise the policy to keep books on library and classroom shelves, protect students’ right to read, and safeguard parents’ right to parent their own children without unnecessary government involvement.
    849 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Horton
  • Support Public Comment at all Worcester County Commissioner Meetings
    The Worcester County Commissioners don’t provide time for public comment on important issues at every meeting. When our elected officials don’t make time to listen to constituents they are unable to make informed decisions about policy and spending that impact the lives of all residents. We ask the Commissioners to commit to scheduling ample time for public comment at every Commissioners meeting. Let the Commissioners know that you want them to exercise good government and listen to constituents. Sign and share this petition today! The official letter to the commissioners: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xlLpEr5Oj4j3f_UGc2v2lTUDiZ8PNOEu/view?usp=sharing Frequently Asked Questions: Q: The Commissioners already offer the opportunity for public input on the budget and other predetermined topics throughout the year. Isn't this sufficient? A: The current practice is to solicit public input on specific topics during specific meetings. This practice often means that public input is not sought until decisions have been discussed, making it too late in the process to effect change. Our proposal seeks a broader and more consistent approach. Having open public comment sessions on the agenda of every Commissioner meeting prior to votes and discussion ensures that citizens can address a wide range of matters beyond the predetermined topics. This comprehensive engagement allows for a more holistic understanding of community concerns and promotes transparency in decision-making across all aspects of county governance. Q: Some County Commissioners offer Town Hall meetings. Isn’t this the same thing? A: Town Hall meetings, while valuable, are usually specific events initiated by individual commissioners and often focus on predetermined issues. We advocate for a more open and regular dialogue in all Commissioner meetings, addressing a variety of matters. Our proposal ensures that there is a system in place that allows ALL Commissioners to hear citizens on a variety of topics, fostering ongoing public participation for lasting impact. The current system relies on having Commissioners who are open to organizing Town Hall meetings instead of making it an expected portion of every public meeting. Q: Do other counties in Maryland include public comment at every County Commissioner or Council meeting? A: According to the information that we’ve gathered so far, the following Maryland districts include public comment at every Commissioner or Council meeting: Allegany, Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Calvert, Caroline, Carroll, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, Frederick, Garrett, Harford, Kent, Prince George’s, Somerset, Queen Anne’s, Washington, Talbot, The following districts only allow public comment at specific times: Howard, St. Mary’s, Montgomery, Worcester
    349 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Mary Hathaway
  • No on H384
    ❌  Myth: Libraries are full of obscene books and pornography. ✅ Truth: No matter how many times this is repeated, it just isn’t true. Obscenity is legally defined by the Miller Test, which demands books lacking serious value in literary, artistic, political, or scientific aspects to be considered obscene. There are already laws in place to protect against obscene materials so if the library was truly full of pornography there would already be legal challenges throughout the state. The reason book banners aren’t arresting library staff and bringing the libraries to court is because they know nothing in the library would fail the Miller Test. In truth, many of the books falsely targeted as obscene or dangerous disproportionately feature LGBTQ or characters of color. It seems as if book banners care less about upholding obscenity standards and more about silencing dissenting voices. ❌  Myth: Libraries lack accountability. A law with punitive measures must be passed so libraries and their staff can be punished if they do something we don’t approve of. ✅ Truth: Libraries are already held accountable. Most are governed by a citizen-led board that is either elected or appointed by local government. School librarians are overseen by a school principal and district superintendents that are in turn governed by an elected board. By passing legislation that punishes libraries or staff for alleged misdeeds, the state legislature is trying to override local control and put themselves in charge of your library content. ❌  Myth: This is just about books in the children’s section. ✅ Truth: While this misinformation was repeated multiple times by the bill’s sponsor last year, the proposed bill targeted any book in the library. If a minor could find a book a parent found objectionable anywhere in a library building, including the adult section, the organization or its staff could be targeted for penalties. ❌  Myth: Libraries have no process for how they choose books, so one needs to be mandated by law. ✅ Truth: Every community or school library has an established procedure for vetting, shelving, and removing books. In fact, librarians are happy to explain this process, if asked. Library staff are dedicated professionals, many of whom have spent years obtaining degrees in library science, and libraries have long been integral to communities since the early 1900s. The legislature may introduce bills this session to wrestle these processes from the hands of professional librarians and impose a biased system that gives more power to people who want to ban books. They may even go a step further by forcing libraries to use citizen committees appointed by government officials to choose what books should be in the library. ❌  Myth: Books aren’t being banned. If a book is available at a bookstore or allowed in your home, it isn’t truly banned. ✅ Truth: Removing books from libraries due to legislation is the very definition of book banning. What’s more, book banning creates an access issue. Books are expensive. Libraries currently provide books at no charge. If the only way to read a book is to purchase it yourself, you’ve reduced access for anyone facing financial difficulties. Sadly, books are being removed from school and community libraries throughout the state due to political pressure, a trend that may worsen if bills similar to past sessions pass. ❌  Myth: This is a parental rights issue. ✅ Truth: This is true, but not in the way it’s being framed. It is a parent’s right to shield their child from media that conflicts with their personal views, but the proposed bills don’t stop there. A very small group of parents and politicians want to remove all materials from school and community libraries that they find objectionable, impinging on the rights of other parents who support their children's access to a wider array of books. (A report last year found that just 11 people are responsible for 60% of book ban requests across the US.) Even worse, some banners advocate for removing books from the adult section to help protect children, exemplified by Ada County Library's brief removal of a novel by Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison from the adult section last spring. ❌  Myth: Children accessing dangerous books from libraries is a common issue and legislation must be passed quickly to stop it. ✅ Truth: This is a non-issue, with an established process already in place to handle book challenges. The current concern over"dangerous books" mirrors the sudden, media-driven uproar over CRT or critical race theory (an issue both nationally and in our own Idaho legislature to indoctrinate). There was a panic that academics and teachers were trying to indoctrinate children into socialism by talking about equity, diversity, and racial issues in the classroom, and in response books by authors of color and books about slavery were targeted for removal. Fortunately, the public and politicians lost interest in the issue. Not because the problem was solved, but because most people realized the problem never existed in the first place.   We believe Idaho’s legislators should focus on pressing education concerns, from underfunded and crumbling school facilities to the national dip in academic scores after the pandemic, rather than squandering resources on a non-issue like "dangerous books" in libraries.
    1,458 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Diane Schwarz