• Stop Punishing Utah Students for Reading!
    Legislators have continued a power grab, forcing locally elected school board members, elected by their neighbors to set educational policies, to ban hundreds of books regardless of long-standing first amendment law. Now the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) has taken it a step further. The USBE has issued guidance to schools that not only are books banned from libraries -- students are banned from bringing personal copies of books to school. A high school student in Utah with copy of Slaughterhouse Five, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Beloved, The Handmaid's Tale, The Bluest Eye, The Kite Runner, Brave New World, or Out of Darkness are now in danger of being disciplined for being in possession of -- not drugs, not weapons, not pornography -- but mainstream, well-reviewed, and even CLASSIC books. Sign and share If you agree that we need a return to common sense laws that don't punish students for reading.
    618 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Let Utah Read
  • Stop the Purge of Library Books in South Carolina
    The South Carolina State Board of Education (BOE) recently banned seven books from all public schools in the state.  Because the State Department of Education passed an overly broad book banning regulation in July (43-170), State BOE members were not required to read the books before voting to ban them. Sign and Share this petition and tell the State to fix the regulation so that books can’t be banned based on excerpts taken out of context, and without the common sense consideration of a book's overall literary value. Data and Privacy: By signing this petition I acknowledge that I may receive periodic updates from EveryLibrary and the Freedom to Read SC Coalition members, from which I can opt-out at any time.
    184 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Freedom to Read SC Coalition Picture
  • Save Samuels Library, Vote No on a Warren County Library Board
    We must protect the library that we know and love. Samuels is the place we went to growing up and now take our kids. We want it to be there for our grandkids. It has a legacy in this community. This library and the staff have stood up for our first amendment rights and it is our time to stand up for them.  We have to tell these Supervisors that this is not want Warren County voters want. 
    652 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Save Samuels Library
  • Stop Government Overreach and Book Banning at Elizabeth School District
    The Elizabeth School Board is implementing policies that will block access to age appropriate books in each of Elizabeth's school libraries and in classroom libraries.  They want to ban books -- even award-winning, classic American literature -- that have been in the ESD libraries for years and used as curriculum for generations.  Please sign and share this petition to stop the Elizabeth School Board from this government overreach and infringing on the rights of ESD parents and students.
    173 of 200 Signatures
  • Reverse the Pennridge School District Ban of Perks of Being a Wallflower
    In 2022, this critically acclaimed novel disappeared from our school library shelves during a controversial book banning campaign initiated by Pennridge School Board directors. It was one of 22 titles removed without any formal challenge, community input, or transparency. This beloved novel has resonated with readers for over two decades, addressing crucial themes relevant to high school students' lives and experiences. By removing access to this book, we are denying our students valuable literary perspectives. The district's current requirement for a review committee assessment before returning the book to shelves is an unnecessary obstacle, given the improper (and arguably illegal) nature of the original removal campaign.
    300 of 400 Signatures
  • Tell the Greenville County Library Board to Stop Discriminating and Segregating Books!
    The Greenville County Library Board is illegally restricting access to books written for young adults and children. They have ordered the materials moved to a shelving area called the Parenting and Early Childhood collection which is off limits to anyone under 18. They then ordered that books that deal with topics that they are uncomfortable with must be moved to this restricted section. What books has the Board determined must be restricted? Books featuring children with disabilities. Books that help younger people deal with loss. Books that deal with the topic of gender. Some of the books have been deemed inappropriate for children because a crayon has the wrong wrapper or because a fictitious creature is neither a duck nor a bunny. The message is loud and clear that these children—the ones with disabilities, who don’t conform to traditional roles— are bad and wrong. The restricted area stigmatizes many families and forces them to pick their books up from a different section because they don’t conform to the Board’s idea of what a family should look like. Please sign and share this petition If you agree that political appointees should not be illegally forcing their discriminatory viewpoints on the reading choices of Greenville parents and families.
    485 of 500 Signatures
  • Support Our Corpus Christi Libraries
    We believe that public libraries are for everyone, and censorship is Anti-American. We also believe in and trust our professional librarians and city staff. Library operations and collection development should be left in their hands. This unfairly appointed advisory library board is sowing seeds of mistrust and hate. We want to put love over hate, respect over mistrust. 
    824 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Julie Rogers
  • Christian County Library Board must follow their own rules -- and the law!
    At the August 27 Board meeting, the Board voted to reorganize officers, removing Board President Allyson Tuckness from the role of President. This move is in violation of Article II, Section I of the Board’s bylaws which govern the time and manner of the selection of Officers. The bylaws state that  “Officers of the Christian County Library Board of Trustees shall be elected for the following year at the end of each December meeting.”  Not only were the actions on August 7th in violation of the bylaws, the illegal move also irresponsibly leaves the library without proper signing authorities on the bank account.  Please sign and share this petition to let Board members know that they must run the library and manage tax dollars in a legal and responsible manner -- and must therefore immediately acknowledge that their attempt to remove President Tuckness was illegitimate, and that all board actions are null and void unless and until President Tuckness is recognized as the Board President, who is vested with the authority to preside over all Board meetings.
    346 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Uturn in Education
  • RETAIN The Kite Runner and The Handmaid's Tale in the AP English
    Both titles are highly acclaimed works of fiction.  College freshmen concentrating in literature would be expected by their departments to be familiar with them. AP Lit is an elective class, and none of the 17–18-year-old young adults who choose it would be required to read either book.  If they or their parents object, teachers have committed to provide an alternative.   To vote for this ban would damage the reputation of the Elmbrook School District and — more importantly for us — damage our children's chances in an increasingly competitive environment for college entrance and success.  Please act in your students' best interests and reject this motion.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tasslyn Magnusson
  • Fully Fund the Community Library Network
    The board has already cut the bookmobile affecting senior centers and schools. Now they are putting forth a budget that once again fails to responsibly fund the library. If the Board fails to fully fund our library, it will lead to a number of harmful impacts including a cut in Sunday hours -- which the community strongly opposes. It will also lead to harmful cuts in programs, materials, and services, which will negatively impact children’s literacy, support for students, homeschoolers, parents, and our community’s access to technology and workforce/job support. Please sign and share this petition to let Board members know that they need to fully fund our library!
    314 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Community Library Alliance of North Idaho Picture
  • Keep Our Library Public
    Erie County Executive Brenton Davis and some members of the County Council have wrongly entered into a lease agreement with Gannon University, a private, religious, tax-exempt institution without input or approval from taxpayers.  The lease grants Gannon the takeover of 3200 square feet as well as access to substantial portions of the only public library located within the City of Erie—the Raymond M. Blasco Memorial Library.   Members and supporters of “Keep our Library Public” (KOLP) span all ages, genders, incomes, backgrounds, and political affiliations.  We live and pay taxes in municipalities throughout Erie County.  We believe our elected officials should carry out their official duties openly, responsibly, and with reasonable input from their constituents—the residents and taxpayers of Erie County.    But over and over again, our elected officials, the Bishop of the Erie Diocese, and the Gannon University administration, have ignored the voices of library users and hardworking taxpayers. The past County Council Chairman denied our right to speak at a December 2023 public meeting, and even had people removed from that meeting.    Sign and share this petition to tell our elected leaders to listen to taxpayers, keep our public library public, and cancel the lease immediately. 
    473 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Keep Our Library Public
  • ALL students deserve a FULL TIME school librarian
    Lenape Regional High School students deserve the best preparation for their future college and career plans. The LRHSD dismissed two tenured school librarians for the upcoming school year, leaving only three librarians for four schools. Since 2021, LRHSD has lost 70% of it's school librarians due to staffing cuts. Further reductions will impair LRHSD's 6,500 students' ability to engage in research and access support for 21st Century information literacy life skills. We need to take action NOW to send the board the message to reinstate these two full-time school librarian positions so that all Lenape Regional High School District students at every school can have the fully staffed school library with certified school librarians they need and deserve. Studies show that students who have access to a full time, certified school librarian and a strong school library program have higher academic achievement and are better prepared for college and careers. Tell the Board of Education and school administrators all Lenape Regional High School students deserve a full time certified school librarian. The board meets next on June 26, (mark your calendars!) but decisions are being finalized now! Time is of the essence! Sign the NJASL/NJLA petition and share with your neighbors, and you will be redirected to an email campaign to send an email to the school board and administrators about the importance of a fully staffed school library for all LRHSD students. 
    1,265 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by NJASL/NJLA Advocacy Regional Response Team Picture