• Support The Right to Read Festival, All Books for All People
    Please Donate. https://www.faithify.org/campaign/303/no-banned-books Parents and not the government determine what books their children read. Help to make the Festival a success and to spread the message that book banning is antithetical to our democracy.
    119 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anna Drallios
  • Stop Book Bans in Plano ISD
    Plano ISD parents and residents deserve transparency on district policies. Students deserve access to diverse and challenging books. Six of the books removed have appeared on recent AP Lit exams; we are doing a disservice to our students and limiting their ability to succeed by banning these books. Sign and share this petition today and let Plano ISD know that lack of transparency is not acceptable.
    781 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Reagan
  • Stop Book Bans in Menomonee Falls Public Schools
    Engaging in open community dialogue is vital for rebuilding trust and respecting diverse perspectives. Your swift attention to this matter will safeguard the integrity of our education system and maintain community trust. This issue is vital because it touches on the heart of our community's commitment to free expression, diversity, and fair educational practices. We are defending the right for our students to access a wide range of perspectives and ideas and safeguarding the intellectual freedom that is fundamental to a thriving and inclusive community. Imagine a school environment where essential discussions about societal issues are limited or silenced. These banned books represent diverse voices and narratives that contribute to a well-rounded education. Sign and share this petition today, and join us in calling for an immediate and transparent review of book removals at Menomonee Falls High.
    422 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Guss
  • Stand with the Autauga-Prattville Public Library
    Clean Up Alabama knows that its policies are unpopular and that the public, when informed of their plans, does not support their efforts. This is why they must employ shady political tactics, make vile accusations, and threaten library board members and city officials. They want censorship and publicly applaud book burning; they are extremists who will accept nothing less than the complete eradication of everything they deem “offensive.” By siding with these extremists, the Autauga County Commission completely betrayed the Autauga-Prattville Library, causing three of the current (and long-serving) library board members to resign. Even worse, each Commissioner betrayed the trust of their constituents - an unwise move going into an election year. Read Freely Alabama and Fight for the First, Prattville demands that the Commissioners immediately rescind the appointment, issue an apology to the previous board members and work with the library to appoint candidates committed to protecting parental rights and constitutional librarianship. Please sign and share this petition and join us in calling for the Autauga County Commission to rescind this appointment and to follow established procedures for appointing future library board members
    323 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Venable-Humphrey
  • Stop Book Bans in Cobb County Public Schools
    The district feels it is in the majority when it comes to removing classic and diverse literature from our school libraries. It is up to the community to show that we trust our teachers to foster a love of reading in our students and challenge them to develop critical thinking skills that will prepare them for the world around them. Sign our petition to call on our district leadership to halt these book bans, follow their own policies on the review of books, and leave those decisions to qualified librarians and media specialists in each school.
    315 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Micheal Garza
  • Don't let the government regulate books in Sarasota Libraries
    Early this week, disregarding hundreds of their constituents’ pleas, the Sarasota County Commissioners voted to terminate the library's association with the American Library Association and the Florida Library Association, which funds many programs important to our community. Without such support the library will lose opportunities for public funding and it will make it easier for the government to regulate books that families can choose for themselves. Loss of access to these educational opportunities will negatively impact our children's ability to lead successful lives. We must fight back in support of our libraries and our constitutional right to read whatever book we choose for ourselves and our children. The Commissioners have proven yet again, that they do not vote in accord with their constituents needs and must be ousted out of office in 2024. The Social Justice Alliance of the Florida Suncoast is planning a Right to Read, All Books for All People Festival on February 24, 2024, in support of our public schools and libraries and to raise awareness of how local government is undermining our freedoms. We'll keep you posted with further details on our festival planning.
    272 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Anna Drallios
  • Say NO to Book Bans in CISD
    As you are well aware by now, there are people who seek to remove any book from the CISD library shelves that does not align with their personal ideology. Extremist groups that do not have children in CISD are using school board meetings to push their own agenda. It is important that students not only see themselves represented in the pages of a book, but also gain empathy for others by reading about experiences outside of their own. These book challenges will only increase in the coming days as we near the presidential election. Please join me to advocate for ALL students, because ALL MEANS ALL!
    190 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Walker
  • No Book Bans Here: Pine-Richland
    We must come together to make it clear that our community will NOT accept the most restrictive voices making decisions for all of us.
    694 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Rebeccah Hoffman
  • Oppose the Parents Matter Act!
    Residents of Fresno County need to be heard. We cannot allow a select few to make decisions for all.
    2,254 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Estep
  • STUDENTS in Support of Libraries
    Reading opens doors for students to find someone like themselves by allowing them to read views from around the world. In Catawba County, the library is a prime spot to access books as many students don't have the means to buy books. Student voices need to be heard as WE are the ones affected.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly Turk
  • Support the right to read in Catawba
    Books are being removed from Catawba county school libraries, infringing on parent rights. These bans have consumed tax payer money, teacher's time, and school board time that could have been spent on educating our children. Tell the school board you want these books kept on the shelves. Sign and share this petition.
    286 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly Turk
  • Stop Outsiders from Deciding What Your Child Reads in Lubbock
    Outside groups are coming into our community and pressuring school boards to issue a blanket removal of hundreds of books, including classics and award winning books that many of us grew up reading. And, they want the books removed by government action without consulting parents, librarians, or educators. Tell your school board that you are against thoughtless, extreme, government-imposed censorship and for real parental choice and liberty. Sign and share this petition today!
    347 of 400 Signatures