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To: Monmouth Regional High School Board of Education

6/18: Tell Monmouth Regional HS BOE students deserve FULL TIME school librarian

Monmouth Regional High School students deserve the best preparation for their future college and career plans. 

On May 21, Monmouth Regional High School Board of Education planned to approve a proposal to reduce the high school librarian to a half time position. This will impair Monmouth's 900+ students' ability to engage in research and access support for 21st Century information literacy life skills. Thank goodness the board decided to pause before taking this drastic measure. Now the decision will be made on June 18, at the next board meeting.

We need to take action NOW to send the board the message that Monmouth Regional students need and deserve a full time school librarian to unlock their full potential. 

Time is of the essence! Sign the NJASL/NJLA petition and share with your neighbors. Come to the board meeting on June 18, 2024 and wear red to show your support.  The board meets in the Schleig Conference Room at Monmouth Regional High School.

Why is this important?

Studies show that students who have access to a full time, certified school librarian and a strong school library program have higher academic achievement and are better prepared for college and careers. Tell the Board of Education Monmouth Regional High School students deserve a full time certified school librarian.

How it will be delivered

1 Norman J. Field Way, Tinton Falls, NJ 07724, USA

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2024-05-27 21:33:21 -0400

Thank you to the many people who wrote or attended the May 21 Board of Education meeting! It was wonderful to see and hear the support for the high school library program! The Board did not vote to reduce the position - YET. This decision will be made on June 18. Please continue to share the petition and voice your support!

2024-05-20 13:47:57 -0400

500 signatures reached

2024-05-18 15:44:24 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-05-18 14:42:14 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-05-18 13:47:39 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-05-18 13:25:17 -0400

10 signatures reached