500 signatures reached
To: Utah Legislators and School Board Members
Stop Punishing Utah Students for Reading!

Extreme Utah book ban laws have led to hundreds of books being banned in Utah schools including books by Judy Blume, Toni Morrison, Kurt Vonnegut, Margaret Atwood, and Sherman Alexie.
Why is this important?
Legislators have continued a power grab, forcing locally elected school board members, elected by their neighbors to set educational policies, to ban hundreds of books regardless of long-standing first amendment law.
Now the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) has taken it a step further. The USBE has issued guidance to schools that not only are books banned from libraries -- students are banned from bringing personal copies of books to school.
A high school student in Utah with copy of Slaughterhouse Five, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Beloved, The Handmaid's Tale, The Bluest Eye, The Kite Runner, Brave New World, or Out of Darkness are now in danger of being disciplined for being in possession of -- not drugs, not weapons, not pornography -- but mainstream, well-reviewed, and even CLASSIC books.
Sign and share If you agree that we need a return to common sense laws that don't punish students for reading.
Now the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) has taken it a step further. The USBE has issued guidance to schools that not only are books banned from libraries -- students are banned from bringing personal copies of books to school.
A high school student in Utah with copy of Slaughterhouse Five, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Beloved, The Handmaid's Tale, The Bluest Eye, The Kite Runner, Brave New World, or Out of Darkness are now in danger of being disciplined for being in possession of -- not drugs, not weapons, not pornography -- but mainstream, well-reviewed, and even CLASSIC books.
Sign and share If you agree that we need a return to common sense laws that don't punish students for reading.