• Let Davis School District Students Read!
    Davis School District’s current library materials review policy has resulted in dozens of books being removed from school library and classroom shelves. Many of these books are award-winning and well-reviewed literary works. As a result, the policy denies students access to a variety of ideas and perspectives that are an important part of a comprehensive education. It has also resulted in expensive and time-consuming reviews of books challenged under the policy Sign today to let the Davis School District Board of Education know they should revise the policy to keep books on library and classroom shelves, protect students’ right to read, and safeguard parents’ right to parent their own children without unnecessary government involvement.
    875 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Let Davis Read
  • No on H384
    ❌  Myth: Libraries are full of obscene books and pornography. ✅ Truth: No matter how many times this is repeated, it just isn’t true. Obscenity is legally defined by the Miller Test, which demands books lacking serious value in literary, artistic, political, or scientific aspects to be considered obscene. There are already laws in place to protect against obscene materials so if the library was truly full of pornography there would already be legal challenges throughout the state. The reason book banners aren’t arresting library staff and bringing the libraries to court is because they know nothing in the library would fail the Miller Test. In truth, many of the books falsely targeted as obscene or dangerous disproportionately feature LGBTQ or characters of color. It seems as if book banners care less about upholding obscenity standards and more about silencing dissenting voices. ❌  Myth: Libraries lack accountability. A law with punitive measures must be passed so libraries and their staff can be punished if they do something we don’t approve of. ✅ Truth: Libraries are already held accountable. Most are governed by a citizen-led board that is either elected or appointed by local government. School librarians are overseen by a school principal and district superintendents that are in turn governed by an elected board. By passing legislation that punishes libraries or staff for alleged misdeeds, the state legislature is trying to override local control and put themselves in charge of your library content. ❌  Myth: This is just about books in the children’s section. ✅ Truth: While this misinformation was repeated multiple times by the bill’s sponsor last year, the proposed bill targeted any book in the library. If a minor could find a book a parent found objectionable anywhere in a library building, including the adult section, the organization or its staff could be targeted for penalties. ❌  Myth: Libraries have no process for how they choose books, so one needs to be mandated by law. ✅ Truth: Every community or school library has an established procedure for vetting, shelving, and removing books. In fact, librarians are happy to explain this process, if asked. Library staff are dedicated professionals, many of whom have spent years obtaining degrees in library science, and libraries have long been integral to communities since the early 1900s. The legislature may introduce bills this session to wrestle these processes from the hands of professional librarians and impose a biased system that gives more power to people who want to ban books. They may even go a step further by forcing libraries to use citizen committees appointed by government officials to choose what books should be in the library. ❌  Myth: Books aren’t being banned. If a book is available at a bookstore or allowed in your home, it isn’t truly banned. ✅ Truth: Removing books from libraries due to legislation is the very definition of book banning. What’s more, book banning creates an access issue. Books are expensive. Libraries currently provide books at no charge. If the only way to read a book is to purchase it yourself, you’ve reduced access for anyone facing financial difficulties. Sadly, books are being removed from school and community libraries throughout the state due to political pressure, a trend that may worsen if bills similar to past sessions pass. ❌  Myth: This is a parental rights issue. ✅ Truth: This is true, but not in the way it’s being framed. It is a parent’s right to shield their child from media that conflicts with their personal views, but the proposed bills don’t stop there. A very small group of parents and politicians want to remove all materials from school and community libraries that they find objectionable, impinging on the rights of other parents who support their children's access to a wider array of books. (A report last year found that just 11 people are responsible for 60% of book ban requests across the US.) Even worse, some banners advocate for removing books from the adult section to help protect children, exemplified by Ada County Library's brief removal of a novel by Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison from the adult section last spring. ❌  Myth: Children accessing dangerous books from libraries is a common issue and legislation must be passed quickly to stop it. ✅ Truth: This is a non-issue, with an established process already in place to handle book challenges. The current concern over"dangerous books" mirrors the sudden, media-driven uproar over CRT or critical race theory (an issue both nationally and in our own Idaho legislature to indoctrinate). There was a panic that academics and teachers were trying to indoctrinate children into socialism by talking about equity, diversity, and racial issues in the classroom, and in response books by authors of color and books about slavery were targeted for removal. Fortunately, the public and politicians lost interest in the issue. Not because the problem was solved, but because most people realized the problem never existed in the first place.   We believe Idaho’s legislators should focus on pressing education concerns, from underfunded and crumbling school facilities to the national dip in academic scores after the pandemic, rather than squandering resources on a non-issue like "dangerous books" in libraries.
    1,462 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Diane Schwarz
  • Stand with the Autauga-Prattville Public Library
    Clean Up Alabama knows that its policies are unpopular and that the public, when informed of their plans, does not support their efforts. This is why they must employ shady political tactics, make vile accusations, and threaten library board members and city officials. They want censorship and publicly applaud book burning; they are extremists who will accept nothing less than the complete eradication of everything they deem “offensive.” By siding with these extremists, the Autauga County Commission completely betrayed the Autauga-Prattville Library, causing three of the current (and long-serving) library board members to resign. Even worse, each Commissioner betrayed the trust of their constituents - an unwise move going into an election year. Read Freely Alabama and Fight for the First, Prattville demands that the Commissioners immediately rescind the appointment, issue an apology to the previous board members and work with the library to appoint candidates committed to protecting parental rights and constitutional librarianship. Please sign and share this petition and join us in calling for the Autauga County Commission to rescind this appointment and to follow established procedures for appointing future library board members
    327 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Venable-Humphrey
  • Say NO to Book Bans in CISD
    As you are well aware by now, there are people who seek to remove any book from the CISD library shelves that does not align with their personal ideology. Extremist groups that do not have children in CISD are using school board meetings to push their own agenda. It is important that students not only see themselves represented in the pages of a book, but also gain empathy for others by reading about experiences outside of their own. These book challenges will only increase in the coming days as we near the presidential election. Please join me to advocate for ALL students, because ALL MEANS ALL!
    193 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Walker
  • STUDENTS in Support of Libraries
    Reading opens doors for students to find someone like themselves by allowing them to read views from around the world. In Catawba County, the library is a prime spot to access books as many students don't have the means to buy books. Student voices need to be heard as WE are the ones affected.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly Turk
  • Support the right to read in Catawba
    Books are being removed from Catawba county school libraries, infringing on parent rights. These bans have consumed tax payer money, teacher's time, and school board time that could have been spent on educating our children. Tell the school board you want these books kept on the shelves. Sign and share this petition.
    304 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly Turk
  • Stop Outsiders from Deciding What Your Child Reads in Lubbock
    Outside groups are coming into our community and pressuring school boards to issue a blanket removal of hundreds of books, including classics and award winning books that many of us grew up reading. And, they want the books removed by government action without consulting parents, librarians, or educators. Tell your school board that you are against thoughtless, extreme, government-imposed censorship and for real parental choice and liberty. Sign and share this petition today!
    348 of 400 Signatures
  • Don't Defund Marathon County Public Library
    Some County Supervisors have threatened to dismantle the county library system. This would destroy years of collaborations between all the communities in Marathon County. Tell your Supervisor that the Marathon County Public Library is an essential service and it needs to be fully funded. Sign and share this petition today!
    1,242 of 2,000 Signatures
  • Oppose Censorship in Harford County
    Members of the Harford County Council and Board of Education are overstepping their positions and improperly imposing their personal beliefs into our school libraries. Not only is this censorship but their actions are creating a hostile environment for HCPS students and staff. It is not the job of HCPS nor the County Council to restrict resources and books to students. Having access to a wide variety of books, resources and information is an individual freedom and right of the student and parent. Sign today! Lets show the BoE and the County Council that Harford Countians are against banning any books. We want a safe and inclusive learning environment for ALL of our students.
    271 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kristy Gizinski
  • Parents Defending Schools and Libraries - Canby
    Student rights do not end at the school house door. The right to read is a fundamental constitutional right. Every book that is banned, removed or labeled erodes that right.
    565 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Darin Stewart
  • Support the Paris-Bourbon County Public Library
    Confrontational mega-challenge campaigns divert library professionals divert library professionals and administration from the work of creating a vibrant, fresh collection. These campaigns are designed to use financial and human resources in order to call for defunding public libraries. Often the ultimate goal of these campaigns is to remove a community's public library completely. Censorship campaigns destroy the First Amendment rights of readers, create an anxious and uncertain atmosphere for the vast majority of library users, and ultimately damage communities.
    282 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Julie Maruskin
  • Stop the Defunding of Samuels Public Library
    By signing this petition, we stand together for the freedom of each individual and parent to make their own decisions for themselves and their families. Generations of Americans have fought to preserve our individual liberties and freedom to think for ourselves. For these reasons, we ask the Warren County Board of Supervisors to vote to fully fund the Library and preserve this precious gem in our County
    6,076 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Jackie Masella