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To: Washoe County Library Board of Trustees and Washoe County School District Board of Trustees

Stand Together Against Censorship in Washoe County

Please sign this petition to our Public Library and School Board trustees to tell them that our community stands against censorship.

Why is this important?

Like most Americans, we strongly oppose book banning and organized attempts to purge books from library shelves. Recently, a small group has been trying to remove books from our public and school libraries. Read this article, from the Reno News and Review, to learn more:

We understand that the meaning and value of a work of literature is so much more than a few excerpts taken out of context.

As a community, we want to raise strong, healthy kids. It’s important that growing minds learn as much as they can about the world -- the good, the bad, and the ugly -- so they’ll be well-prepared to navigate it and thrive. Books are tools for understanding complexity. Limiting young people's access to books does not protect them from the challenging issues we all encounter in our lives.

Many of the books that have been challenged feature LGBTQIA+ characters, characters of color, and diversity-related themes. Everyone, especially young people, should see themselves reflected in library books. Furthermore, it's just as important to see others' experiences reflected in books, which - research shows time and again - helps develop empathy and compassion.

We trust our teachers and librarians, who have training and education in literature and youth development, to curate collections for our community.

Removing and banning books from public libraries is a slippery slope to government censorship and the erosion of our country's commitment to freedom of expression. Sign here to support the freedom to read in Washoe County.
Washoe County, NV, USA

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2024-06-17 13:56:37 -0400

On June 18, the Board of County Commissioners will discuss two issues that affect the libraries. As supporters of the libraries, we urge the BCC to put the library expansion fund on the ballot for November. We also support the reappointment of Trustee Rogers.

You can show up to make in-person public comment, 6/18 at 10:00 a.m. at 1001 E. Ninth Street, Building A, in the County Commission Chambers,


Make public comment online (before 4 PM on 6/17).

Our talking points and shared values are linked in this google doc - feel free to add your own personal touch! Why are Washoe County libraries important to you?


2024-03-18 02:48:02 -0400

Nearly 3000 signatures send a clear and powerful message: Washoe County loves its public and school libraries and will not stand for censorship of diverse voices. We are issuing a call-to-action for the upcoming Board of County Commissioners meeting, at which they will appoint a new Library Board Trustee. The meeting is this coming Tuesday, 3/19 at 10 AM at 1001 E 9th St, Reno, NV.

If you are a Washoe resident, please do any or all of the following: 1) make in-person public comment 2) email the commissioners ahead of the meeting - 3) submit e-comment -

Please note that all emails and comments should be sent before 4 PM on 3/18.

In reaching out to commissioners, we hope to refocus the conversation on the actual and specific duties required of Library Board Trustees.

Please email us at [email protected] for the list of values and qualifications we would like to see in a candidate or with any other questions.

2024-02-21 21:37:58 -0500

1,000 signatures reached

2024-02-21 01:08:09 -0500

500 signatures reached

2024-02-20 14:57:00 -0500

100 signatures reached

2024-02-20 13:07:19 -0500

50 signatures reached

2024-02-20 12:10:23 -0500

25 signatures reached

2024-02-20 11:25:12 -0500

10 signatures reached