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To: Davis School District Board of Education

Let Davis School District Students Read!

Sign the petition to tell the Davis School District Board of Education we want to keep books on library and classroom shelves because we want to ensure our students are well prepared for success and because we trust parents to parent their kids.

Why is this important?

Davis School District’s current library materials review policy has resulted in dozens of books being removed from school library and classroom shelves. Many of these books are award-winning and well-reviewed literary works. As a result, the policy denies students access to a variety of ideas and perspectives that are an important part of a comprehensive education. It has also resulted in expensive and time-consuming reviews of books challenged under the policy

Sign today to let the Davis School District Board of Education know they should revise the policy to keep books on library and classroom shelves, protect students’ right to read, and safeguard parents’ right to parent their own children without unnecessary government involvement.
Davis County, UT, USA

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2024-01-25 01:16:43 -0500

500 signatures reached

2024-01-14 10:29:43 -0500

100 signatures reached

2024-01-14 00:01:30 -0500

50 signatures reached

2024-01-13 19:43:43 -0500

25 signatures reached

2024-01-13 13:24:17 -0500

10 signatures reached