1,000 signatures reached
To: Idaho elected officials
Let Idaho Read: NO on HO139!

Let our elected officials know that you do not support censorship in Idaho's school and public libraries. It's time to vote NO on HO 139!
Why is this important?
HB 139 calls for civil penalties of $10,000 in addition to other damages and fees if a school or public library provides materials that are "harmful to minors."
While Idaho libraries do not provide materials that are harmful to minors, the simple threat of expensive lawsuits is likely to have a damaging chilling effect, restricting Idahoans' liberty to access information, self-direct, and read and think freely for themselves. HO 139 is another misguided attempt by the state to limit Idahoans First Amendment freedoms.
This bill will particularly impact small, rural libraries and taxpayers, which will have to choose whether providing materials that support their communities is even possible under the threat of expensive and time-consuming lawsuits.
If local libraries that are forced by unneeded state regulations to defend against private claims of harm, they will not be able to continue to serve the needs of local Idahoans. This bill is government overreach, a violation of parents' rights, and an attack on the ability of libraries to provide access to information for all Idahoans, regardless of their values or beliefs.
(If you live outside of Idaho, please sign this national petition: https://action.everylibrary.org/bookbans)
While Idaho libraries do not provide materials that are harmful to minors, the simple threat of expensive lawsuits is likely to have a damaging chilling effect, restricting Idahoans' liberty to access information, self-direct, and read and think freely for themselves. HO 139 is another misguided attempt by the state to limit Idahoans First Amendment freedoms.
This bill will particularly impact small, rural libraries and taxpayers, which will have to choose whether providing materials that support their communities is even possible under the threat of expensive and time-consuming lawsuits.
If local libraries that are forced by unneeded state regulations to defend against private claims of harm, they will not be able to continue to serve the needs of local Idahoans. This bill is government overreach, a violation of parents' rights, and an attack on the ability of libraries to provide access to information for all Idahoans, regardless of their values or beliefs.
(If you live outside of Idaho, please sign this national petition: https://action.everylibrary.org/bookbans)
How it will be delivered
The petition will be delivered to the Idaho House Education Committee prior to their hearing on HO 139. No date has been set for the hearing, so please sign as early as possible.